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December 19, 2023How to Increase Your Earning Potential
The answer is very simple, educate yourself. The more educated you are the more earning potential you have.
It’s easy to understand if you think of a child, a child has earning potential but it is limited, usually in the form of labor, and then with education and experience their earning potential increases and they can have the ability to earn more either still as a better paid laborer, or in a higher income position, as they grow older of course.
Still you cannot say a manager earns a managers salary, and it is the same.
So what is the difference between a manager who earns $12,000 per year and a manager who earns $120,000 per year? It’s not the luck of the draw.
In some cases it is very easy to see, for example if you are a cell phone repair technician, only knowing how to repair one model phone would drastically limit your earning potential to only people with that specific model who need it repaired, as you increase the range of phones you can repair you quickly see an increase in your earning potential.
In other cases it might not be so obvious, especially early on. If you are a website designer how could your interest and self education in gardening help you earn more? It might not, there are times it will not have a direct benefit without you personally seeking out and applying the benefit. In this case by knowing about gardening, learning about it, you have an advantage over other web designers because you are knowledgeable in gardening (farming, horticulture, whatever it is you learn), that puts you in a unique position to cater to a specific range of companies and produce better, more informative websites than your competitors who have simply studied design but don’t understand gardening.
It is the same with every job position, you can learn more about your specific job, and you can learn more about your interests and in both cases you can often find ways to use your knowledge to increase your earnings. It is not always going to simply happen because you have learnt something, but it gives you the ability to use what you know to earn more.
There is no shortage of access to information in this internet age, you have hundreds of online sources to information, and you can definitely fit in some time almost every day towards improving your earning potential and in turn your quality of life.
On that note, you will see a video on the right (or below on a phone) about the economy, the economy is something that affects everyone, everywhere and is definitely worth learning about. This is a quick overview, and definitely worth watching. So go ahead and click play.
Now don’t let that be the end of your continued self education, keep learning about things that interest you, things related to the industry you work in, and things that affect the world we all live in.
With the effects from COVID-19 such as lockdowns around the world, many people have suddenly found they are not prepared for working remotely, even in most of the cases where it is possible. A lot of people also have been moving that way already and are benefiting hugely because suddenly everyone needs access to their products and services and have to do it with businesses that can still operate even though they are not in their offices.
This is a very good example of how companies that continued learning about the possibilities available to them and implementing them sooner has helped them thrive in this situation. Companies that have not done anything about working remotely, are suddenly trying to get what they need and learn as quickly as possible, and surprisingly, in some cases they are simply closing down for this period or shutting down their businesses forever. As someone who knows how to run an online business right now, you have a much higher earning potential and there is more demand for you than for someone who only knows how to run an offline business, regardless of the industry.
There are some things that will benefit everyone, like learning to read, write, use a computer, and use google to find what you are looking for.
And then there are things specific to the industry you work in. As an architect learning about the software in your industry increases your earning potential, as a web designer learning programming languages, as a gardener learning about pool maintenance, as a driver learning routes, as a chef learning foreign dishes, and the list can go on and on for every industry, educating yourself about these things increases your earning potential.
And the amazing thing is you don’t have to discover it all for yourself, nor do you have to seek out the one or two mystical mages’, there are thousands of people around the world learning and sharing this information in books and online, easily accessible by almost everyone.
Now why don’t you do a little experiment, spend an hour watching an episode of your favorite TV series, then spend an hour learning about something related to your industry that you do not know much about, and see which one benefits you in the long run.
Now that you know how to increase your earning potential, in turn your income and in turn your quality of life, you have the tools you need to have the life you want.