Sign Up

Sign up for your own website with Zimsite. There is no charge for this service for all Zimbabwe based businesses.

Website Request

Please fill out this form with as much information as possible and we will be in touch.

Website Info

We need some information for your website, the more information you fill in and attach the better we can make your website so don’t hold back any information that could help improve your website.

You can fill in the sections, or if you have a document for them you can use the upload boxes just below the entry boxes.
Please contact us if you have any difficulty, we will assist and improve the form based on feedback.
That’s all, we will be in touch with you for any more information and if you have any questions you can contact us directly.

This is a free service offered by Zimsite, sponsored by LS Designs (

It is only valid for genuine and ongoing businesses that are based in Zimbabwe.